Our flagship programs are a key asset and unique innovation that mainly focus on mentoring, these platforms include the use of professionals in building relevant skills and capacities of the girls. These signature programs have contributed immensely to molding girls’ assertiveness and improving learning outcomes on a national scale
Dandaro Revasikana is girl-child-centred model that focuses on the empowerment and education of the girl child on issues that affect them. It is a safe space for girls to discuss sensitive issues that have an impact on their well-being. Through this platform, girls meet and deliberate on the challenges they face as well as suggest solutions to their challenges.
Child Rights Clubs where children (both boys and girls) are educated on equality, children’s rights, and democracy. The flagship follows a model which leaves no one behind, capacitating teachers, parents, caregivers, and religious, and traditional leaders to be child rights champions.
Girls Rights Movement was established for the girls and young women to identify, dialogue, and advocate for issues that affect them. The Movement has been actively involved in policy deliberations, including the Education Amendment Act, and the recently passed Marriage Act. We work with community volunteers, traditional, and religious leaders
Community Development Committees (CDCs) are community volunteers, traditional and religious leaders trained on child safeguarding, who jealously guard girls as watchdogs and act as safe havens for the local young girls, and assist with abuse case management in communities. These groups also implement economic empowerment projects for necessary sustainable livelihood capacity to promote girls’ rights.
The inclusion of men and boys through our Men’s and Boys’ Forums in communities has been our programming effort to bridge the gender inclusion gap. This approach encourages men and boys to abandon harmful stereotypes, address underlying gender norms, embrace respectful, healthy relationships, and support the human rights of all people, everywhere. We host an annual Men As Role Models program as part of the 16-Days of Activism, where we honor men as gender champions fighting for gender equality in their communities.
A well coordinated Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) with line ministries (MoHCC, MoPSE, MWACSMED, MLSW, MoYASR) the police VFU, local authorities, traditional and religious leaders, community volunteers, and private sector members. This flagship is designed to drive sustainable, and effective community-led efforts and stakeholders partnerships in providing an integrated platform to disseminate information on the prevention and eradication of all forms of VAWG.