From the Editor’s Desk
Hello Shamwari!
Welcome to yet another edition of the Girls Pulse. The month of June was filled with so much activity, as we engaged with girls through different initiatives in their communities.
In June, Shamwari Yemwanasikana was running the child marriages, and the drug and substance abuse campaigns, which will continue running throughout the 3rd quarter of 2023
Our World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child program is booming, and we are engaging with thousands of children, teaching them about their rights. We commend government efforts to pass the Children’s Amendment Bill, which sees to it that child rights violators are brought to book. This was one of the key highlights for the month of June.
Thank you all for support, there is no Shamwari Yemwanasikana without you
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Let’s see what June had for us…
Children’s Amendment Bill
When children’s matters take priority, we as Shamwari dzevana (exclusive friends of children) are happy. We applaud the Parliament of Zimbabwe for passing the Children’s Amendment Bill. The bill aims to strengthen child protection by aligning the existing Children’s Act with the Constitution and International conventions.
Some important points to note include:
- Removing the distinction between children and young persons and calling everyone under the age of 18 a child.
- Changing the designation of “child in need of care” to include children at risk of being unlawfully married or pledged in marriage, pregnant children, and unaccompanied children. The definition of “parent” to include biological parents, whether they are married or not.
- In addition, the Bill establishes the Child Protection and Welfare Council, which will have additional functions, including preparing a national action plan every five years to protect vulnerable children and promoting children’s rights.
The passing of this Bill marks a crucial milestone in Zimbabwe’s commitment to upholding the rights and wellbeing of children. Aligning legislation with our constitutional provisions and national standards shows that the government is taking decisive action towards ensuring a safer and more secure environment of our children.