Hello Shamwari, we are back! Welcome to our Girls Pulse (March 2023 Edition) This edition is special as we celebrate our gains, wins and take time to reflect on the gaps within the women`s movement development.
We have been running campaigns on drug and substance abuse and child marriages. As a community, we got a wakeup call on how drugs are affecting our girls, and it is our responsibility to protect them in the home, school and community. Every week, we are seeing reports on child abuse cases masquerading as ‘child marriages’ and it shows we still have a long way to go in making this world a safer place for our children.
I would like to commend the dedication and support of our Shamwari Yemwanasikana community, we appreciate you. Our Community Development Committees (CDCs), men’s and boys’ forums, and local churches have been actively involved in campaigns in the community. We are also proud of our girls that are making waves in the leadership spaces in their schools, well done champions.
Ekenia T. Chifamba
Executive Director (Shamwari Yemwanasikana)
Chihota Hospital Support Group
Our CDC in Chihota has a teen hospital support group which meets to discuss on SRHR and mental health issues. In this month of March they met to discuss on the high rising cases of drug and substance abuse. In this session they spoke about the consequences associated with indulging in drug and substance use and how they affect one’s mental life.
The International Women’s Day
On 23 March 2023, the European Union Delegation (EUD) in Zimbabwe in partnership with Shamwari Yemwanasikana and Ministry of Women Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprises hosted International Women’s Day commemorations in Murewa District, Ward 8. The Director of Shamwari Yemwanasikana, Ekenia Chifamba, was the Director of Ceremony for the event.
The event was attended by Team EU (European Union Delegation), the UN family, civil society organizations that operate in Murewa, stakeholders form other line ministries and government offices, the police VFU department, the ZRP, business women in Murewa, and women and men from the community of Ward 8 and the other surrounding wards.