Ekenia T. Chifamba
Our Founder and DirectorOur Founder and Director
On a global scale,
Ekenia has been the focal point the World’s Children’s Prize, the world’s largest annual educative initiative for equality, children’s rights and democracy. Through this program, they have managed to train over 350 000 child rights ambassadors, over 20 000 Teachers, 10 000 parents and caregivers, 2000 traditional and religious leaders, and established over 700 child rights clubs in schools in 16 districts throughout Zimbabwe.
Chifamba has been recognized among the 50 most inspirational women in Zimbabwe and was named one of the 40 Great Zimbabweans featured in the Mail & Guardian. She is also one of the 50 outstanding inspirational women by the Institute of Corporate Directors in Zimbabwe. She was awarded the Outstanding Women’s Rights Defender by ZC News Community Awards and is one of the iconic women featured in the Go Getter’s Founding 100 book.
Chifamba holds the following awards from Proweb Women’s Achievers Awards in the following categories: Role Model, Outstanding Woman, and Community Champion. This high-flying director was named second out of 10 Health Champions in Zimbabwe for championing SRHR with girls by Health Times. She also received recognition for Social Entrepreneurship Award from the National Chamber Commerce-Women’s Desk.
Chifamba was recognized by PAW Foundation in 2017 as one of the 10 Phenomenal African Women touching lives in communities. Chifamba also holds an award from the Zimbabwe Teen Awards for Teen Development. She has been named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Zimbabwe for contributing to children, world peace, and human rights. She was recently awarded the Compassion award at the Harare Metropolitan Awards 2022.